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  • Mark Smith

    June 23, 2022 at 12:09 am in reply to: X native support for Braw?

    I can’t say anything about about Premiere from first hand experience- I have no experience with premiere. I am hearing from some friends that it is buggy & full of latency. I suggested to a person I know to try editing in X what he was doing in Premiere, which he did and realized what it took him half a day to edit in premiere he could do in about half an hour on X, without bugs or lags.

  • Mark Smith

    June 22, 2022 at 11:21 pm in reply to: X native support for Braw?

    Fcpx already supports canon raw and red raw so why not Braw?

  • Mark Smith

    June 22, 2022 at 9:57 pm in reply to: X native support for Braw?

    I’ve had the plug in for some months now and it works. What I am asking about whether there would be native support similar to Resolve so there is no need to transcode.

  • Mark Smith

    June 2, 2022 at 5:00 pm in reply to: Mulicam Goes dark??

    Yup – I accidentally selected the th wav track as the active video angle. I was sure how I tripped over that setting all I knew was one moment I had a 2 cam multicam with audio, and then I looked up and there was only audio.

  • Mark Smith

    April 22, 2022 at 2:06 am in reply to: Syncing pieces of takes?

    Reporting back on the question I asked at the top of the thread- I tested a sync clip scenario where I had a Track E record of a 90 minute classroom session – mic on teacher- and grabbed all the clips shot in that same time period and created a synced clip with all the video clips with the continuous audio clip . This worked like a charm, greatly simplifies the editing, because all the aide audio clips are in sync with gaps between camera starts and stops and not I can do selects from inside this one large synced clip and edit. syncing clips took just a second or two on my M1 Mac mini.

  • Mark Smith

    April 20, 2022 at 4:41 pm in reply to: Syncing pieces of takes?

    I’ll try out the Multicam route on my next go round. I do have time coded files, both the track E recorder and the camera originals in Braw have common code, B raw files were transcoded into Pro res with Color Finale transcoder plug in and sync flawlessly. The massive Multicam will likely be far less tedious than going section by section and syncing bits. thanks for your thoughts on the issue.

  • Mark Smith

    February 5, 2022 at 7:13 pm in reply to: Highest quality VHS to digital converter?

    I use a BMD ultra studio to convert analog to digital for use in X. That said I can save the captured file as pro res Lt or pro res HQ and ther is no difference: you are putting a thimble full of info in a quart container or a gallon container, its still just a thimble full of info. Getting the best playback possible with a VHS machine in good order and a TBC if at all possible is the best foundation- capturing after that is the rest of it. My BMD device and BMD desktop video app does a solid capture job.

  • Mark Smith

    December 4, 2021 at 9:13 pm in reply to: Syncing external audio after editing

    Sync clips before editing is the way I work as that leaves you with the most freedom to edit afterwards . If you have to go back into a project and sync clips cut by cut that is painstaking and a crazy. If its one or two clips, that need syncing with audio in a time line its doable,but after that it gets tedious very fast. If you have a multicam clip it not so bad to step into that clip and sync an additional track, but again try to get that done to the fullest extent possible before you actually start cutting.

  • Mark Smith

    December 3, 2021 at 2:56 pm in reply to: sychronized clip goes silent in event viewer

    And just like that- suddenly Multicam clips behave normally again.

  • Mark Smith

    December 2, 2021 at 10:11 pm in reply to: sychronized clip goes silent in event viewer

    I just stepped into what might be another variant of this same issue: I have a simple 2 camera interview shoot – Subject off angle, subject close eye line, Camera audio ( crap) 2x tentacle track E audio files, interviewer and subject. I made a multicam clip of all 4, 2 camera angles 2 audio tracks. All good so far. In the angle editor all clips line up, play back ok sound and picture wise. When I drop the multicam clip into a project, which is pretty standard, A-roll, B roll etc, the multicam clip is silent, I see picture however the inspector only shows clip, color correction tabs and Info, no audio. I just burned through 90 minutes of trying to get audio to play back in the multicam clip in my project, No change in audio status. I quit FCP, re opened the troubled time doodled a bit. Pulled the multicam out of the project and then put it back in. Now suddenly the multicam behaves as expected. I can designate the audio I want and switch angles and its playing nice for the moment. I have done quite a few multicam projects and this is the first one I’ve seen that exhibited this behavior.

    M1 mac mini, running Latest mac OS monterey , and X 10.6.1

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