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Activity Forums Apple Final Cut Pro X Syncing pieces of takes?

  • Syncing pieces of takes?

    Posted by Mark Smith on April 19, 2022 at 5:54 pm

    I have some clips that are 5 – 6 minutes long video clips and a continuous audio take recorded on a Tentacle trackE . All good so far. I want to sync audio with a selection inside that 5-6 minute video clip ( time code is jammed for camera and audio) so I am selecting a section of picture and then want to find the same section of audio within the audio recording ( audio recording was not stopped and started with camera) . So far my method is find picture select, grab tc at head of picture clip, go to audio recording, control P, command V TC , hit return and I get the start of that section on the audio clip. From there I approximate the out point on audio and with both sections highlighted then sync clips. This is tedious but it works. I could select all camera takes that fall within a longer audio recording and create a massive synced clip with picture gaps I suppose and then make selects from that. My question is whether there is an easier way to identify matching audio sections to my picture clip selects rather than making a massive synced clip?

    Mark Smith replied 2 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Joe Marler

    April 20, 2022 at 11:37 am

    You apparently have both audio and video with true SMPTE file timecode. If so the easiest method is use FCP ability to create a multicam clip with Use Custom Settings and for Angle Synchronization select Timecode. You can then skim the multicam clip in the browser and pull selects for the timeline. The reason for multicam vs sync clip is the timeline will inherit subsequent changes to the multicam so if you later adjust sync, add an angle, etc. that will appear in the timeline.

    Creating a “massive” multicam clip of one audio and one video angle entails no overhead or additional storage, as that is just metadata.

    If your video file type is MP4, in some cases FCP cannot read clip timecode from that. You can recognize this by skimming the clip and they will all start with 00:00, not the correct timecode value. This is due to both lack of standardization in the MP4 container spec, plus AV Foundation not supporting that. In that case you will need to re-wrap those clips using EditReady before import:

  • Mark Smith

    April 20, 2022 at 4:41 pm

    I’ll try out the Multicam route on my next go round. I do have time coded files, both the track E recorder and the camera originals in Braw have common code, B raw files were transcoded into Pro res with Color Finale transcoder plug in and sync flawlessly. The massive Multicam will likely be far less tedious than going section by section and syncing bits. thanks for your thoughts on the issue.

  • Mark Smith

    April 22, 2022 at 2:06 am

    Reporting back on the question I asked at the top of the thread- I tested a sync clip scenario where I had a Track E record of a 90 minute classroom session – mic on teacher- and grabbed all the clips shot in that same time period and created a synced clip with all the video clips with the continuous audio clip . This worked like a charm, greatly simplifies the editing, because all the aide audio clips are in sync with gaps between camera starts and stops and not I can do selects from inside this one large synced clip and edit. syncing clips took just a second or two on my M1 Mac mini.

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