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  • Scott Thomas

    August 27, 2005 at 9:48 am in reply to: Is Betacam sp 3:1:1 or 4:2:2?

    One more thing to consider…

    4:2:2, 4:1:1 and 3:1:1 are all ratios. We know that SMPTE 259M (ITU-R 601) and DigiBeta are 4:2:2.

    DVCPRO is 4:1:1

    Would not 3:1:1 be some sort of guessed-upon tip-of-the-hat to BetacamSP? The ratio actually would seem to indicate a greater amount of chroma sampling to luminance than your run-of-the-mill DVCPRO 4:1:1.

    Where I work, we are still in a hybrid Digital-Analog world with BetaSP and DVCPRO. It’s a real toss-up. We like the resilience of DVC to tape dropouts, but we like the resulting picture of a BetaSP better. It’s also much easier to pull a greenscreen matte from a BetaSP master than a DVCPRO. (Thus would indicate a smaller ratio of Chroma to Luminance sampling)

  • Scott Thomas

    August 22, 2005 at 6:47 pm in reply to: Newer Technologies Accelerator for G3 to G4

    Is this “The” Jim Minton? I think my brother worked with you at Blue Cactus Post (EGAD!) in Dallas. You also did some work for a station I worked at (WBBH)?

    You might try…

    Scott Thomas
    Art Director
    Fort Myers, FL

  • Scott Thomas

    August 11, 2005 at 12:21 am in reply to: 23.98 vs 23.976

    That is a good thing. Make sure your After Effects comp is set to 23.976.

  • Scott Thomas

    August 5, 2005 at 5:13 am in reply to: 23.98 vs 23.976

    I have a film-look process that is pretty much the ReVisionFX route with FieldsKit and Twixtor. Somewhere along the line I had put some work through a different software that made my movies 23.98 and when I attempted to match that back, it didn’t work. Thus began a long search to find the problem and I finally realized that .004 makes a difference. In my attempts at troubleshooting, I seem to remember saying to myself, “well if the plugin only shows two decimals and rounds up, perhaps I should do the same to the composition settings”. well you know where that lead. Sometimes these things seem to lead from one rabbit hole to another.

  • Scott Thomas

    August 4, 2005 at 9:57 pm in reply to: 23.98 vs 23.976

    I’ve had issues where 23.98 hasn’t been the same as 23.976. If you did a direct comparison between the two movies, they will be ever so slightly different. 23.976 for me has worked better. Where it gets a little strange is where a program will round up to .98 in the interface display but the actual value you plugged in makes a difference.

  • Scott Thomas

    July 18, 2005 at 6:53 am in reply to: Black the Timecode for the Whole Tape?

    [tony salgado] “What I do miss from the old Video Cube days is the ability to do a crash record and output timecode from the timeline.”

    We had the Video Cube and “upgraded” to the Accom Affinity. The Affinity chassis doesn’t provide a TC output like the Cube did. They offer a solution in the back of the manual. The purchase of a Horita box that siphons the time code from the RS422 port. You would then feed the output from the box into the deck’s external TC input. I’m not sure if you could do the same with FCP. Sounds like in interesting experiment.

    When I used to edit news in a linear edit bay, the standard procedure was to black the entire tape and insert edit only. If I was in a hurry, I would black only what I needed right away and then later go back and black the rest of the tape. To many, Time Code is still black magic, even though it has existed since the 1960s. People were amazed when I showed them the Regen-Preset switch. Yeah, you can just go back and Assemble Edit with Regen and black the rest of the tape. No harm done!

    I could have had a full-time job just fixing edit tapes where an editor had accidently assembled on a master tape. This was oxide Beta and there was no VITC yet. It was easy to add new time code to fix the mistakes.

  • Scott Thomas

    July 15, 2005 at 6:50 am in reply to: Career Paths for Motion Graphics

    I am one who a very little training but I do alright. My main frustration is knowing that something looks good or bad, but not being able to effectively convey that idea to another in words. I’ve been trying to read more and am doing a little better. I also believe that school to learn the concepts of design is vastly more important than learning a specific computer program. I preach to others to begin concepts on paper and then transfer the best ideas to the computer. We don’t need more button-pushers.

    I’ve done a ton of radio station logo designs over the past 7 years. I always start on paper and go a few pages before going back and reviewing and picking a few to translate into Illustrator. If there is some complex curve I drew, I’ll scan it into the computer and trace it.

    Full Disclosure: Scott does not own stock in any paper manufacturing company.

  • Scott Thomas

    July 14, 2005 at 8:08 pm in reply to: illustrator type tip

    I haven’t recceived my CS2 yet. Thanks for the heads-up.

  • Scott Thomas

    July 13, 2005 at 10:11 am in reply to: Microsoft vs Adobe?

    Well, Just keep in mind all of the people with Windows PCs that have Quicktime installed for the iTunes Music Store and their iPods. I think that’s proof that not everything Microsoft touches, turns to gold. You don’t hear much about C# or .Net either.

    11 years ago, Microsoft bought a competitor to Photoshop from a company called Altamira. That company’s founder was Alvy Ray Smith; one of the cofounders of Pixar and a guy who practically invented computer paint software while working at NYIT in the 1970’s. (Anyone ever heard of the Ampex AVA?)

    Microsoft has had all this time to do something wonderful, and all I see are consumer cheesemo Picture-It programs. With that kind of track record in the graphics arena, I’m not too worried about Microsoft.

    We should all know by now that Mac OS 10’s graphics system is called Quartz and is based on PDF. Here is your challenge… Find a Mac system running Tiger and install the Developer tools that are on the Mac OS install DVD. In the developer applications is a program called “Quartz Composer”. Open it up and start playing with it. It’s amazing! As we are all graphics people here, it shouldn’t look too much different from your run-of-the-mill, tree-based compositing application. It’s almost like a node-based version of Apple’s Motion. “Core Image Fun House” is also super cool. Apple here has taken a cue from the Microsoft playbook; “Embrace and Extend”.

  • Scott Thomas

    July 11, 2005 at 7:55 am in reply to: FCP 4.5 and Dazzle DV Bridge

    I have two Dazzle Hollywoods. One works OK both in and out. The other is OK for input but it’s output is crap. On the first one, the audio seems to have settled down and doesn’t crackle as often.

    The Dazzle is at home. At work I have two Kona LS cards. While I haven’t tried it yet, the LS is supposed to have a TBC that will correct VHS time-base errors.

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