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  • Sandeep Sajeev

    July 29, 2012 at 10:50 am in reply to: Corrupt waveforms in FCPX

    I’ve had the same issue with Audio suddenly not playing on the timeline for no reason, with Multicam clips.. Hitting Cmd+2 brings the Audio back immediately (even though the Timeline window was still the active window). Strange but that’s what works for me.

  • This is my experience as well. Modify an effect and it no longer loops, or sometimes it’ll loop a couple of times and then move on to the next clip.

    The Audio Tools need a lot of work. While it is very cool to have some of those Logic plugins, usability is lacking.

    I also find the whole selecting/moving Audio Keyframes very fiddly.

  • Nice work.


  • The Compound Clips absolutely kill responsiveness. Everything slows to a crawl, and strange things happen – No Audio, Random Clips show up in the Viewer, and Media appears to go offline.

    I’m shocked at how buggy the implementation is.

  • Spent the last hour trying out various TGA Sequences in Compressor, and it failed to carry the Alpha Channel forward in every single case. So guess it doesn’t work.

    Motion exports out the Alpha fine in each case.

  • Have to disagree with this Eric. FW800 handles ProRes without any issues.

    As an aside, the FW800 ports on my GSpeed Q stopped working in the middle of a project and I was forced to use USB2. This worked flawlessly as well (ProRes 422 HQ footage). I was surprised, to say the least.

  • Sandeep Sajeev

    June 23, 2012 at 7:08 am in reply to: Importing Canon 5DMk3 Footage is Baffling Me

    Hello Lucky,

    From the FCPX Manual:

    Import media from an archive or disk image

    1 In Final Cut Pro, choose File > Import from Camera.

    The Camera Import window appears, showing all camera archives in the Camera Archives section on the left. You can preview the media by either playing it using the playback controls or skimming it by moving the pointer forward or backward over a filmstrip. You can also change which archive to import from and change the way the clips appear using the controls at the bottom-right corner of the window.

    2 Do one of the following:

    • Under the list of Camera Archives on the left, select the archive you want to import.
    • Click Open Archive, navigate to the folder of the archive you want to import, and click Open.

    3 To select which clips you want to import, do one of the following:

    • To import all clips: Click Import All.
    • To import only some of the clips: Select each clip you want to import by Command-clicking each thumbnail, or dragging to select a group of clips, and click Import Selected.

    • To import a portion of one clip: Drag inside the clip to select the range that you want to import, and click Import Selected.

    Tip: You can also select a clip, press the Space bar to play the clip, and press either I to set a start point or O to set an end point.

  • Sandeep Sajeev

    June 19, 2012 at 12:41 pm in reply to: Identifying (labeling) clips used in the timeline

    You’re not finding the Timeline Index helpful?

  • Sandeep Sajeev

    June 6, 2012 at 5:04 pm in reply to: New Mac Pro

    I have a Windows 7 Phone and an iPad and I prefer the UI on the Windows Phone 7. It’s smooth, slick, visually stunning and the calendar doesn’t have any strange leather graphics.

    Windows has come a long way and that’s not something I ever figured would happen, back in the day when I had a clamshell Macbook running OS9.

  • Sandeep Sajeev

    June 6, 2012 at 4:56 pm in reply to: Is background rendering an advantage or not?

    Yes it’s a pain. I keep it off as well, it’s faster just to hit Ctrl+Shift+R, as opposed to selecting a specific section and hitting Ctrl+R.

    I also turn on Better Performance in Playback Preferences. It does help in playing back unrendered sections.

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