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  • Joseph Windowstosky

    February 24, 2024 at 12:25 pm in reply to: A Way to create Multiple Regions at Once?

    I come from the future, with an update for anyone trying to do this. I ran this in my antique Vegas Pro 9 and it worked great, turning events to regions and retaining the active take name.

    Save with .js extension – this isn’t a .cs.

    import System;

    import System.IO;

    import System.Windows.Forms;

    import Sony.Vegas;

    var evnt : TrackEvent;

    var myRegion : Region;

    try {

    //Find the selected event

    var track = FindSelectedTrack();

    if (null == track)

    throw "no selected track";

    var eventEnum = new Enumerator(track.Events);

    while (!eventEnum.atEnd()) {

    evnt = TrackEvent(eventEnum.item());

    myRegion = new Region(evnt.Start,evnt.Length,evnt.ActiveTake.Name);




    } catch (e) {



    function FindSelectedTrack() : Track {

    var trackEnum = new Enumerator(Vegas.Project.Tracks);

    while (!trackEnum.atEnd()) {

    var track : Track = Track(trackEnum.item());

    if (track.Selected) {

    return track;




    return null;


  • Joseph Windowstosky

    January 18, 2016 at 4:19 am in reply to: ProRes 422 files stop working in Vegas Pro

    I’m sorry, I just noticed an error in my ffmpeg command, and I can’t find a link to edit my post, even though I only just posted it 19 minutes ago. 🙁

    Here is the correct syntax:

    ffmpeg -f concat -i mylist.txt -c copy “x:\”

  • Joseph Windowstosky

    January 18, 2016 at 3:51 am in reply to: ProRes 422 files stop working in Vegas Pro

    I’ve been having this problem too. We shot 122 very short clips and Vegas 10 was not able to put more than a couple dozen on the timeline at once.

    This thread gave me the clue I needed: It’s not about the actual volume of data; it’s about the number of clips. So the trick is to reduce the number of clips losslessly.

    I had a hard time finding this answer, so I’ll post it for all.

    In the bin folder of ffmpeg, I created mylist.txt with the clips to be concatenated / merged / joined. It looks like this:

    file ‘R:\It’\”s my first file!.mov’
    file ‘R:\It’\”s my second file!.mov’

    These are fictitious filenames but that’s the proper way to escape a single quote, I also had to learn.

    I generated the list of filenames in Windows using this old trick I had lying around from ages ago; I don’t know that it’s the best way, but it still works in w7, if you run it in a command window in the folder where your movs are:

    dir /a:-r /b *.mov >> “mylist.txt”

    Then I did find-and-replace to make it look like the above, placed mylist.txt in the ffmpeg bin folder, and ran this:

    ffmpeg concat -i mylist.txt -c copy x:\

    If you have mp4s or something else, this should work if you change all my ‘mov’s to ‘mp4’.

    The resulting file is exactly the contents of the individual files, but Vegas has, so far, had no problem working with it!

    I didn’t find this solution anywhere online, so here it is.

  • Joseph Windowstosky

    December 10, 2014 at 11:49 pm in reply to: How to change media path?

    [John Rofrano] “No. Once two events have been assigned the same piece of media there is no way to reassign them again. You’ll have to add the new media as a take and then remove the old take.”

    Old thread, but I’m sharing this in case anyone runs into it.

    To try to untangle this kind of thing:

    Let’s say you have two folders of media with the same name. Let’s call them Folder A and Folder B. You have accidentally told Vegas to link your clips all to the ones in Folder B, but properly, some were A and some were B.

    1. Insert Empty Event at the very beginning of the timeline on one of the affected tracks. This will ensure you are placing everything correctly.

    2. Group and Copy all the Should Be Folder A clips into a new blank veg, including the empty event. Save.

    3. Rename Folder B temporarily.

    4. Return to your new project and it will ask where the files are. Tell it Folder A. Save.

    5. Rename Folder B back.

    6. In your main project, delete the group of clips you copied out.

    7. Go to the beginning of the project and the proper track and paste in the repaired events and the empty event, making sure the empty event anchors exactly in place. Undo until the paste works perfectly. If you did this right, it should stick them exactly back where they were, and fades/transitions/etc should be minimally affected.

  • Joseph Windowstosky

    December 9, 2014 at 10:13 am in reply to: Time-stretching audio

    I actually sort of solved this problem. I had a pile of audio clips stretched as “efficient” and I wanted “pro”.

    1. Make sure your default in Vegas is set to elastique pro.

    2. Copy your events into a new project, or if your project is very very simple, just leave them where they are.

    3. Save project as EDL.

    4. Open new Vegas window, File Open, choose the EDL.

    The EDL will know the speeds you want for your clips, and their placements, but it will _not_ know what kind of TimeStretch it was, so it will go to the default!

    5. Copy and paste the events back into your original project.

    I saved so much time, I had more than enough to write this post and hope to save someone else a big tedious headache.

  • Thank you. For what it’s worth, the actual source video is the wide shot – the zooming was all done in post. But I know you’re probably right. 🙂

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