Giant moire-like wavy lines from shooting a giant screen.
Using Vegas 10. (I’m stuck in 32 bit XP, so I can’t upgrade.) I also have, and mostly love, BorisFX 10.0.
As magical as these wavy lines may be, I’d love to be rid of them.
This was shot with a little Canon camera. The giant screen behind me had distinct scan lines, and the interplay between those and the camera created this huge artifact.
Any advice?
The whole source video is the wide shot – the closeups are digital cropping.
If there isn’t some super smart plugin that detects this sort of thing and fixes it, I thought perhaps there could be a way to isolate the foreground (me) from the background, and insert a still frame for the background, without having to cut myself out with masking by hand. And somehow, have the result not look fake.
All ideas, however labor intensive or silly, welcome. 🙂
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