John? I would like to address you with another basic question I run into:
I got a VHS tape with records from 1991. They were made with a typical camera for 1991 for private use.
I captured the VHS tape through ADC300 with SceneAnalyzer and then imported it into Vegas 11. I got .avi clips, which are about the same quality as the VHS tape. Certainly no broadcast quality, but the persons movement are naturally. The film should be a gift to a friend from 1991, which I haven’t seen a long time.
Project settings were set to PAL. When I play the timeline, all is the same as the clips from SceneAnalyzer.
I rendered with MAINCONCEPT 2 for PAL. The quality gets a bit worse, but most unwanted is the unnatural movements of the people. I tried MC2 with the variable and constant bitrate, the highest available (9,800),but there is no big difference. I also used the recommended BITCALCulator, which showed 6579 rate. It didn’t help either. The size is about 1,5 GB.
The only close quality to the footage of the tape is, when I render it to .avi files. The size increases to 4,5 GB.
John, could you explain, are avi files the only solution for such cases? I have several more tapes from the same source. The only unwanted point with avi is the triple size of the ready film.