Blu ray or AVCHD
I’m a consumer and not a Pro, I’m a newcomer on 1920×1080. I bought a Sony camcoder CX 550, which records in FX mode 1920×1080 24M in variable bitrate, file extension .mts and transfering to the PC .m2ts. I want o use consumer Players or/and a PC to get the ready product on my TV set. My second target is to archive the rendered work for many years on a media. I suggest Blu ray will be better on the long run than AVCHD???
I rendered after many tries my first footage on Vegas 9. MS Media Player shows a good quality on my monitor. I used:
Template Blue ray 1920×1080 50i, 25 Mbps
Save Type Main Concept MPEG 2, var. bit rare, transport stream incl. Video & audio
The video is in MPEG 2, audio MPEG
The Explorer shows a file type .m2t and AVCHD as description.
My next step is to get it on a Blu ray disk and to buy a player, which supports this format.
I used DVD Architect 5.0 to create a Blu ray project. My first surprise is that audio is in PCM stereo. Non of my tests in Vegas showed me a template with PCM. Does DVD Arch convert automatically the MPEG stereo to PCM?? I’m puzzeled now.I also checked the Blue ray 1920×1080 50i, 16 Mbps Template. The audio is either AAC or AC-3, depending on the mpeg 2 or mpeg 4 stream. Also not PCM.
What did I wrong? Is my task not realistic?
What is wrong in the workflow? Are these not the correct templates?I would appreciate any reply.