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Activity Forums Avid Media Composer Windows Drivers for the Avid Targa 3000/3100

  • Mark Godwin

    November 11, 2024 at 9:15 pm

    Thanks for your interest.

    Actually I don’t need Targa 3000 working for my business, is just about my interest in old stuff. I have 2 Targa 3000 tried both on this HP XW8000 but same result. No one gotta working. I also have almost every breakout boxes because I use with my Targa Cinewave for Mac. Drivers I ahve for the 3K is latest (I believe) 1.5.1 ans I tried on XP and Win 2000 with Premiere 6.5 (and Discreet) with the above described issues. Never got any of my two T3K working in any way.

  • Mads Nybo jørgensen

    November 11, 2024 at 9:34 pm

    Hey Mark,

    1 card failing is possible, 2 not so, depending on where you got them from.

    I was never a great fan of XP, and preferred NT.

    From your description, I suspect that you know more than I would ever get to know.

    Only two suggestions, is to try in the boards in different slots (if possible) or a seperate PC altogether.

    And, maybe strip the unit of HP drivers, and re-install them.

    Found this page, which suggest that all the HP drivers are still accessible:


  • Mark Godwin

    November 12, 2024 at 1:33 am

    Thanks again for your support,

    I believe you are a great expert of these old editing system.

    I just love the simplicity and truly plug and play of Cinewave on MacOS, got it working flawlessly on G4 and even G5 Power Macs. Why T3K on Windows is a nightmare? However I already tested the two board on an older Dual Pentium 3 workstation, under Win2k , I had same issues. Everything installed, Targa self tests Ok, but as I launch Premiere, after some loading, there is a freeze.

    I purchased these 2 boards on ebay, many years ago. As I got them , I tested and it wasn’t a success. Then I “archived” the boards. Just recently , as I re-finded them (i check periodically my older stuff), I wanted to give a new chance, but I had not luck again.

  • Mads Nybo jørgensen

    November 12, 2024 at 2:20 am

    Hey Mark,

    Thank you for the compliment, I just muddle through past perserverence and surrender, eventually there will be a solution.

    Out of interest, when starting PPro, is it running at the same sync (frame-rate) as the Targa 3000 card?
    And just for fun, what happens if you connect a sync generator to the Targa 3000 card/breakout box?

    I run a Blackmagic Mini Converter Sync Generator, which feeds my Betacam SP and Blackmagic Ultrastudio 4K – although both of those are slowly dying.

    But if you add sync to the board, that may just wake it up in Windows?
    Unless you’ve already tried that?

    Keep hunting, it might even be a dip-switch somewhere stuck in the wrong place, or even in the middle.



  • Mark Godwin

    November 13, 2024 at 1:28 am

    Thanks again for you interest about this challenge!

    Never tried to send a sync to the board, I will test. I have a Sigma Electronics BSG-26P black burst generator, should be fine. I can send a signal from this generator to the breakout box ref sync input. About frame rate, where to set the Targa before running Premiere? There is no control panel installed in Windows, just the Targa system test. So I have no idea about T3K actual framerate.

    I’m also guessing to have bad or incomplete drivers. They are version 1.5.1 and I’m not able anymore to find other kind of Targa 3K drivers.

    I’m also guessing to have two defective boards (since they are very old, is not so far the possibility of faulty boards). I checked that ebay ad. and this guy have a lot of Targa for sale. T3K is for 80$ … but … should it worth spending some money again on it? The answer is probably not. When I want something old I have: the Cinewave for Mac , an Avid Adrenaline HD and you won’t believe, a Sony Edit Station ES-3 that is perfectly working and stunning! But of course, all of this, just for fun. For business I’m up-to-date!

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