UV Multipass not interpreting right into compositor?
Struggling here trying to get a functional UV-multipass out of Cinema 4d.
Essentially I’m using two UV plugins, one by maltaannon.com, and one aescripts.com to try to add decals to existing textures in post using a UV multipass. However, when I render out of C4d, something isn’t right; and the UVs RGB don’t line up.
So after some head scratching and looking back, I realized that Maltaanon attached a UV example map (its a TIFF) in the working files for the pixel bender plugin, so I created a luminance channel and applied the texture map to all objects in my scene, fired out a luminance, and it worked on both his & the option available at aescripts.
My question is, is anyone else having color space issues with UV multipass outputs? Have you cracked the code? Do you know the gamma shift? I’m working in 32 bit float/EXR format and it seems to only work when I apply an EXTERNAL UV color map to all the objects, not use C4D’s native UV multipass output. I’m really looking to avoid having to set up an entire other project JUST to do a UV pass.
Hope that made sense.
Nicholas Toth
Freelance Animator