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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Text Presets – Lights and Optical

  • Text Presets – Lights and Optical

    Posted by John Cuevas
    on March 23, 2023 at 5:11 pm

    Long story short coworker wants to use the Silhouette preset, but directly applying it to text doesn’t give the results as shown in the Browser windor. I can’t seem to get Office Lights or Silhouette to work properly(seemed very similar). Both have a “Hide Last Character” animator, not sure what the purpose is for it.

    Both seem to cause flickering with a growing stroke to hide the characters, but I’m not sure how anyone know they need to have stroke enabled to get it to work.

    Uploaded a couple of quick samples if someone has time to tell me what I’m missing.

    John Cuevas
    replied 1 year, 8 months ago
    2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Graham Quince

    March 23, 2023 at 8:09 pm

    That’s a very odd preset – I’m trying to work out what it would be used for.

    The Hide Last Character animator looks like it is there so you can wipe the letters on by animating the Start property.

    I think the Stroke is being applied in the Text preset, rather than use whatever stroke the text is. I haven’t seen the flickering you’ve mentioned though.

    Office Lights appears to be working the same for me as in the preview. I noticed in your project file, that it looks like both comps had the Silhouette preset applied as Office lights comes with a couple of sliders.

  • John Cuevas

    March 24, 2023 at 4:07 pm

    Thanks for taking a look at that, I was wondering if I was missing something. Just a guess, but I think the preset is incomplete, probably a couple of expressions and slider controls.

    It was being used to just add a little movement to a very very dull section of text. Nothing special.

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