Text animation: grow with “bounce”
I know the basics of using the text animators with the range selectors, offsets, selector shape, etc, but I can’t quite figure this out..
I’m trying to animate each letter in a word to start at 0% scale, grow to say 110% and then return to 100%. I’m using an offset with the Ramp Up shape, based on Characters. So I’m able to scale the letters from 0% – 100%, but I can’t figure out how to make the letters go beyond 100% and then back to 100%. You’ve seen the effect a million times and I figured this would be easily recreated with the animator.
I played with the wiggly selector and I couldn’t quite get it to do what I wanted. Then I thought I could just add another scale property, but apparently you can only have one scale property per animator.
Can anyone give me any pointers on this basic effect?
8core MacPro, 3.0 GHZ, 10GB RAM, OSX 10.5.6C4D 11.5
FCP 6.0.1