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Activity Forums Adobe Premiere Pro Rec.2020 workflow in Premiere Pro?

  • Rec.2020 workflow in Premiere Pro?

    Posted by Jari Innanen on November 25, 2016 at 3:32 pm

    Hi all,
    I was searching for information how Premiere Pro handles Rec.2020 material internally, but came up pretty empty. Is there a workflow White Paper somewhere like there is for FCP X?
    Jari Innanen

    Chris Wright replied 8 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Chris Wright

    November 25, 2016 at 4:11 pm

    there’s help files that discuss how dynamic link works, previews, interpretations, renders, mercury transmit etc.

    safe to say, every adobe paper says you are stuck in rec. 709. if you want wide gamut, you’ll need an external monitor capable of loading LUT’s or a transform LUT.

    there’s a bunch of sublinks in this post

  • Tero Ahlfors

    November 25, 2016 at 4:31 pm

    What exactly are you trying to do? There are no (consumer) monitors that support it and there probably won’t be for a while.

  • Jari Innanen

    November 25, 2016 at 5:10 pm

    Actually I’m just trying to figure out how Premiere handles Rec.2020. As I teach both FCP X and Premiere Pro it has come to my interest how they both cope with the future color space. Especially when a student using Premiere Pro says it has been supported in PPRo since 2015.3 release. He could not give me more details about it though. I found it hard to find any facts on Adobes site or elsewhere about the matter. Apple has a pretty straight forward White Paper about the Rec.2020 workflow in FCP X.

  • Chris Wright

    November 25, 2016 at 6:59 pm

    in RAW land, all this is very different if you use cinema DNG, jpeg2000, EXR, or RAW.
    cinema DNG/ RAW is accessed directly right click source settings or in newer version, under master clip, exposure.
    for EXR and jpeg2000, read below.

    The only way I know of “accessing” rec. 2020 data natively in premiere is tricking it into thinking its HDR footage.

    The new HDR lumetri interface only supports HDR within two separate containers – JPEG 2000 with a PQ (Dolby Vision/2084/Rec. 2020) curve(Dolby Vision Mezzanine files), and Open EXR.

    So you’d have to transcode everything….

    How to:
    in scopes, switch to HDR
    in lumetri color, click checkbox on HDR
    you can now use HDR white and HDR specular
    There’s a massive gotcha though. it disables input LUT’s in lumetri!

    as a side note:
    Premiere Pro’s J2K exporter now includes a 12-bit PQ option. When you select the RGB 4:4:4 12-Bit PQ option from the Chroma and Depth pop-up menu, a new drop-down list allows you to select the Color Space: Rec709, Rec2020, or DCI P3.

    and HEVC checking HDR renders log looking ST2084 gamma of rec. 2020
    unless using SDR conform for non-HDR devices.

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