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  • PC Premiere Pro Transcode Workflow

    Posted by Nina Staum on September 11, 2017 at 9:45 pm

    My work is looking at the transition from Avid to Premiere. We have 3 PCs, HP Z820, 2×2.60 GHz processors, 16GB RAM, AJA IO4K breakout boxes. For cameras we have Sony FS7, Sony A7S, Red Epic and GoPros. Most of our work is web content with the odd broadcast commercial.

    What’s everyone’s thoughts on codecs for transcodes? I’m not inclined to edit with native files because so much of our stuff is shot log or 4K or on two different cameras, so it seems like that would be really risky for performance and stability. DNxHD is great but I worry about being incompatible with a lot of people. ProRes is out, because PC. So what does that leave….XDCAM? I know it wasn’t a great choice for large Final Cut Pro projects, but I’m hoping somebody on here has tried it with Premiere and can weigh in on the stability. Thanks in advance!

    Also, yes, I know the RAM on my machines is a little skinny and will be asking for an upgrade.

    Greg Janza replied 7 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Greg Janza

    September 11, 2017 at 10:55 pm

    I think DNxHD would serve you well. It’s become a default mastering format. And when I used to have a proxy workflow I made all my proxies in DNxHD and it worked without issue.

    And if you’re migrating to a 4k environment, add some raids into your workflow.

    I Hate Television. I Hate It As Much As Peanuts. But I Can’t Stop Eating Peanuts.
    – Orson Welles

  • Nina Staum

    September 12, 2017 at 3:43 am

    Thanks Greg! What wrapper do you use for your DNXHD?
    I’ve tried DNXHD before and it ran fantastic on my system, but it was DNX MXF Op-Atom because the project had originated in Avid.

    Good note on the RAIDs – we don’t actually edit in 4K much but we shoot that way often.

    Also when you say it has become a standard I’m curious what kind of projects you normally work with?

  • Niclas Werres

    September 12, 2017 at 9:55 am

    Hi there,

    I can tell you from experience, that working with DNxHD is totally fine. When you ask your posthouse to deliver a file, you normally get the answer to deliver a ProRes, since you can read it on PC without Problems. But we’re working on PC so I asked many times to deliver a DNxHD instead, and never had a problem. Only one time it occured to me, that I was asked to deliver a ProRes, because ProTools was having some troubles to read in the DNxHD.

    The Downside with DNxHD is, you can’t play it so easily with normal players (AE mov DNxHD works though) so you have to load it in to view.

    On the Plusside DNxHD works very fast for editing and have all the different options like ProRes like 4:4:4, 4:2:2 etc.

    Some people suggest the GoPro format, which is a option for Proxies in PR, but I never asked a posthouse to accept it.

    Best Regards

  • Greg Janza

    September 12, 2017 at 3:27 pm

    Nina, for mastering I create Quicktime DNxHD files and I’m creating files for both broadcast and web delivery.

    I Hate Television. I Hate It As Much As Peanuts. But I Can’t Stop Eating Peanuts.
    – Orson Welles

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