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Activity Forums Media 100 Page turn custom menu not working properly

  • Jaeson Koszarsky

    March 28, 2012 at 8:17 pm

    I just tried it on my system and all seems in proper working order.

    Media100 Suite2.1
    MacPro 12core with 12GB RAM
    OSX 10.7.2

    I just added two different colour clips to the timeline and applied a page turn between them. I tried different settings and rendered ok in a 720×486 SD project with ProRes codec.

    How is your project & system set up?


  • Larry Evey

    March 30, 2012 at 2:34 am

    Thanks for checking on my issue with your system Jaeson. I see you have the 12core MacPro. I went with the 8core with 8gb of ram last May because the speed bump from 8 to 12 didn’t seem to be that much. Do you notice increased speed with the 12core?? I’m still at OS 10.6.7 M100 2.1 as I have some old M100 projects that I still need to access.

    Larry Evey
    West Coast MEDiA, Inc.
    MEDIA100 Since 1993

  • Jaeson Koszarsky

    March 30, 2012 at 3:54 pm

    I stayed at 10.6.7 for the same reason, old m100 codec projects. But when 10.7.2 was green-lighted by Boris, I upgraded.

    We moved from dual G5 systems to the 12-core MacPros, there a definite speed improvement. I can’t compare 12-core to 8-core MacPros.


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