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Activity Forums Creative Community Conversations Nodal compositing. On your iPhone.

  • David Roth weiss

    August 15, 2015 at 11:23 pm

    There’s an app for everything – now if Apple could just get the phone part of the phone to work as well as everything else. 🙂

    David Roth Weiss
    David Weiss Productions

    David is a Creative COW contributing editor and a forum host of the Apple Final Cut Pro forum.

  • David Mathis

    August 16, 2015 at 2:38 am

    i have thought about dumping Photoshop when it be time to renew and move to Fusion, guess me has to wait. Mainly use it to touch up photos and minimalist motion graphics stuff. Ready to get away from layer based approach and go with nodes.

  • Shawn Miller

    August 16, 2015 at 4:31 pm

    [David Mathis] “i have thought about dumping Photoshop when it be time to renew and move to Fusion, guess me has to wait. “

    Why wait? There are several good options for node based compositing on the Mac platform. Since PixelConduit and Blender are free, there’s really no reason not to try them. 🙂


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