LOG FILM DPX input color
It has been years since I have worked with DPXs.
I am restoring some 70s footage that was scanned to DPX in LOG cineon color space.
In resolve, I have been working in a node-based color management, I use an input node and output node to manage color.
My first input node typically is based on the camera systems, Arri, Red, Canon, and so on.
However, when working with a LOG cineon, the CST node I use to transform into my working color space of DWG, there is nothing I can see that resembles LOG cineon film for my input color space and input gamma while using the CST.
However, when I work in a color-managed space, there is indeed a Cineon Film LOG color space I can use for input color space. This does the work of the input CST node and output CST node.
I prefer to use the node-based color management (DaVinci YRGB) as when I go to kick out LUTs it is a one-click operation as it references the tree. With Color management turned on, the under the hood transforms are not baked into the LUT.
Anyone know if the CST node offers an input color space for LOG cineon, or an ALT to get me int the correct color space.