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Activity Forums DaVinci Resolve Can Lacie 2big Quadras (circa 2014) handle 4K footage? or T7 Shield best?

  • Mads Nybo jørgensen

    September 2, 2024 at 10:11 pm

    Hey Sarah,

    Admittedly I also still use Adobe PPro, but with all the crashes in the last project maked it impossible for me to continue with it + with the latest upgrade where they are removing more than they add, then sadly it is coming to an end.

    My next project is on Davinci.

    Keep in mind, unless you need specific functionality, you can start with the free version.

    I am currently going through this book from Packt – from time to time, they have some great sales, so might be worth waiting for. But it also comes with links to files and other goodies if you need to learn it now:

    I am not sponsored by Packt, but have a large amount of their books and video courses.

    LinkedIN training also have courses. If you are new to it, they’ll give you up to 30 days for free. They have a few courses, that are being updated, for learning the basics of Davinci:


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