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Anyone Interested? (Also posted on Adobe)
Posted by Kevin Snyder on April 21, 2008 at 4:21 amI have been thinking about creating a DVD of nature elements, but I wonder if there is any interest in it. The elements would be things like trees, grass, flowers, rocks, etc. The organic elements would be prematted and blow in the wind or grow over time. The goal would to make most of the elements loopable as well. Let me know if this sounds like something useable. Here is a short video of a few scences that I have made with the elements.
Sample Nature Objects
Sample Scene Screenshots
Kevin Snyder replied 16 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 11 Replies -
11 Replies
Pat Jaeger
April 21, 2008 at 5:01 amWow, that looks really cool! I think that there would be lots of interest in this sort of thing. The sample pics and video look really great and would certainly sway people towards buying them.
So yeah, i’d say go for it, i’d probably end up buying it one day 🙂p.s. Did you use Video Copilots plug-in ‘Twitch’ to create the effect at the start of each new video section?
Bryan Bush
April 21, 2008 at 5:26 amNot sure if you have ever checked out Maya’s Paint effects but it will do this kind of thing with relative ease.
Not sure of any legalities involved in selling some thing like that though.
It’s kind of like all the combustion effects you see sold, they have not really done all that much to them just sort of rendered the effects that it does easily and not manipulated any sliders much. They are really useful effects and save some one that just wants them the time learning combustion and the cost of buying it. I cant help but wonder if the combustion people know about that and if it ticks them off. -
Steve Roberts
April 21, 2008 at 12:41 pmIf I recall, Maya’s Paint Effects isn’t sold as an AE plugin any more.
It’s a good idea, Kevin. If the trunk were on a separate layer from the leaves, that would be nifty as well, maybe with a shatter map included to blow the leaves off, make them fall …?
Bryan Bush
April 21, 2008 at 2:04 pmI don’t think Maya’s paint effects was ever sold as an AE plug-in.
Daniel Gauthier
April 21, 2008 at 2:45 pmPersonally, I would be very interested in a nature elements DVD.
At the risk of discouraging you, it is only be worth me paying money for it (and I’m probably not alone here) if the elements are very high resolution and do not make use of stock / preset / tutorial imagery (e.g., using the “grass” photoshop brush on a transparent comp without any modifications, using stock particle emitters from motion, etc. – most of us have seen these all before on bad local spots)
I love your idea of having them grow over time and/or blow in the wind.
Kevin Snyder
April 21, 2008 at 3:12 pmPat,
Thanks for the words of encouragement and yes, the transitions are done with twitch…
Kevin Snyder
April 21, 2008 at 3:20 pmThanks to everyone that has posted so far, you have given me some good points to think about. I know that similar looks can be created with other software, but some of the software can be expensive and involve long render times. I have used some of Andrew Kramers footage, which are all things that I could make, but having them already pre matted and ready to go makes them convenient, fast, and fun. I’m hoping that I could make the elements unique enough to make them worth while.
Ron Lindeboom
April 21, 2008 at 3:23 pm[Bryan Bush] “I don’t think Maya’s paint effects was ever sold as an AE plug-in.”
Yes, it was, back in around 2000 as I recall. We were at SIGGRAPH 2000 in New Orleans when it was being shown.
The plug-in died a quick and ugly death. It came out and had installation issues that made it a nightmare to keep activated and the company — rather than fixing the issues — seemed more predisposed to letting it die.
I had a copy once and it worked for a short while.
The Maya Paint FX installation issues were almost as big a pain in the ass as Adobe’s new licensing scheme. (Kathlyn and I each bought the Master Collection and neither of us has access to all of the tools. Neither of us can load Encore DVD — which is why we bought the thing in the first place — and Kathlyn’s license tells her that she isn’t authorized to use Acrobat either.)
Maybe the Maya Paint FX team wrote the new Adobe installer and licensing system protocols.
That may be a likely bet…
Ron Lindeboom -
Daniel Gauthier
April 21, 2008 at 5:43 pmBe Careful about using Mr. Kramer’s footage. This is from his website:
All content is copyrighted by Video Copilot and Final Image Inc. The techniques and projects may be used for commercial broadcast projects or your own personal ones. However you may not sell, license or distribute any media content. Publishing any content for training or reference material without written consent is also forbidden.
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