Maxon Simulation in Cinema 4D image of water animated into a rough circle

Maxon’s Demystifying Post-Production – Simulation in Cinema 4D

Watch the free webinar on Monday, November 13th 5PM GMT / 6PM CET / 9AM PST (1 HOUR)

Join the Maxon Training Team and our exciting guests Sandro Sanakoti, Lionel Vicidomini, and simulation developer Max for a new month of livestreams. This November, we are going to cover simulations in Cinema 4D.

They’ll share a wide range of essential simulation workflows, including Rigid Bodies, Soft Bodies, Cloth, Pyro, and much more in VFX and Motion Graphics. And of course, they will be answering your questions all through these four interactive sessions in November.

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Week 2 – Let’s Liquify!

Join Cinema 4D Master Trainer Lionel Vicidomini for week 2 of our Simulation Demystifying Post-Production livestreams as he will show how to liquify everything in Cinema 4D. Lionel will show you different ways of creating a fluid-like effect using Pyro and Rigid Bodies. Finally, he’ll use Cinema 4D’s Volume Builder to mesh it all, and create gluey effects!.

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