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Activity Forums Storage & Archiving Windows not recognising drive through Thunderbolt 2 connection

  • Windows not recognising drive through Thunderbolt 2 connection

    Posted by Ido Bartana on January 7, 2023 at 10:01 pm

    Hi everyone,

    I got a 32TB hard drive to edit a documentary on. The faster connection on this drive is a Thunderbolt 2 connection, and I can’t get my windows computer to access the drive. I can hear the drive spinning when I connect the it to the computer (using a thunderbolt 2 to USB-C adapter), but I cannot access it.

    There is no Issue using a USB-1 cable, the connection is just too slow.

    Has anyone ever had this issue before?


    Ido Bartana replied 1 year, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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