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Activity Forums Apple Final Cut Pro X Where should I save my cache and back up files?

  • Wayne Dupuis

    November 26, 2024 at 11:54 pm

    I know this is an old thread, but for the sake of people that are now running M1 M2 and M3 Macs: put everything on the macs main drive and leave it there and do your edits on your Mac drive on your system. Everything will fly and be super fast and super smooth. When you’re done a project, offload it to your cloud or wherever you offload to and that’s the only time you should have to work with media off of your main drive nowadays.😀

  • Devrim Akteke

    November 27, 2024 at 3:48 am

    I use different machines for editing, so I always use an external SSD to collect all my materials. When I connect my external to any computer, I am ready to work. Only automatic backups go to the Movies folder of the Mac I work on. When I finish a project, I delete my temp files (Renders, caches, analysis files, proxies, optimized media) and move everything to an external drive.

  • Wayne Dupuis

    November 27, 2024 at 2:52 pm

    Yes, I fully understand that. We’ll save time where we can. Do this though. Take up an 8 gig file of a person into DaVinci on your local drive and do face refinement on it and track the face. Note the time it takes. Now do that with the media sitting on an external SSD drive. I’ll guarantee you it will take at least six times as long if not longer, just to track the face. Let alone render local caches and or thumbnails. There’s a cost to leaving your files on an external drive these days because the M1 M2 and M3 chipsets just seem to work much much quicker with all of your media is on a local drive. That’s just based on my opinion. Not fact I guess unless you check it and I have worked until just recently. I guess the last year or so from external raid drives mechanical drives, which I had always thought from reading here on creative cow that it was the best way to go. It isn’t..

  • Devrim Akteke

    November 27, 2024 at 4:21 pm

    Of course, it could be different depending on the software but we are talking about Final Cut Pro right now.

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