Trying to create the Thing style title
Hi guys, I’m having a little trouble trying to create a title a little bit like the one from the film the Thing. If any of you know this film I hope you will be able to help, but I think its used quite a bit in loads of diffrent pices of media now.
Anyway basically what I want to achive is a set of titles apearing against a dark background, as it becomes brighter light streaks apear from the letters. I want the light to fluctuate a little, make it bit more organic. It would be nice if letters werent just bright white, I would like them to ripple a little…maybe not the right word, but so theres a little more texture. In the origional film it apeared that fire were behind the letters, slowly burning away what was ever behind them to reveal more light.So at any rate, this is how I have been doing it so far. I created a black coloured solid in front, then created a matte effect on that with a another text layer. The behind this I created another solid behind this at a slight slant, which I then applied fractual noise to with a gradual evolution. Then behind this I put two cc radical fast blur’s, one higher and one lower. This gets the kind of light streaks that I want coming through the letters, but if I alter the values of one light it seems to effect the other. The letter arnt that clear either, so I was wondering if any one had a better way of doing this? Any help would be great, hope this all reads ok?