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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Transition/ easing into a parented position

  • Transition/ easing into a parented position

    Posted by Clinton Gorman on February 24, 2023 at 8:58 am

    I have a square and a circle a small distance apart. I want the square (child) to ease towards the circle (parent), then ease out into the final parented position.

    I don’t want to animate the square’s position first, then turn it into a child and parent it.

    I would rather turn the square into a child while it’s in the original position, then have the child transition to the parent’s position to be smooth using ease.

    The problem is once I parent the square to the circle, it snaps. It’s not smooth. And I don’t have control in the timeline for the time it should become a parent.

    Is it possible to ease into a parent’s position? Or transition to a parent’s position without first animating the child’s position before it’s parented?

    Does this make sense?

    Filip Vandueren replied 1 year, 9 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Graham Quince

    February 25, 2023 at 11:19 am

    It sounds a little like the challenge I faced when I wanted to create an eclipse with a lens flare appearing at the edges.

    But if not, then take a look at the ease() expression.

    You’ll need a controlling variable, maybe just a slider, then it’s


    This will ease the square from it’s starting position to the parent’s position over the slider’s keyframed from 0 to 100. There’d be a lot of fiddling to get it right, but I think that’s what you’re after.

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  • Filip Vandueren

    February 25, 2023 at 2:19 pm

    Not entirely clear how you want to automate the easing, is that using a set time, or another slider that controls the influence of the parent ?

    Perhaps the script “Faux Parent” can help you, although I’m not sure if it also has keyframe-able parenting like the script “good parents” which in turn doesn’t offer an influence slider.

    Search for “parent” on aescripts for more suggestions.

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