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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Templatise transition

  • Templatise transition

    Posted by Iustin Filip-mucenic on November 1, 2024 at 4:24 pm

    Hi all, I’m looking for advice on the best way to make an efficient template.

    The animation is as follows –
    Video 1A is parented to video 2A[is of-screen] – top down movement (since I just need to align 2A to centre for keyframe nr2)
    Video 1B is parented to video 2B[is of-screen] – left to right movement – these are both using a track matte of the company logo so basically as the transition happens the logo kinda flashes

    Now trying to replicate this is a pain because each transition means 4 more layers and the project gets busy very quickly, and it’s quite wonky, so I’m wondering: is there a way to make this more efficient?

    Thank you in advance.
    May your adobe products never crash.

    John Cuevas
    replied 4 weeks ago
    2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • John Cuevas

    November 6, 2024 at 4:49 pm

    If the transitions are all the same but with different video, you just need to build one in a precomp and then duplicate it for each transition you need, then replace the video in the precomps. You can replace the video in the precomp by selecting the video layer to be replaced. Go to your project window and select the replacement layer and press(PC) cntl+alt+/

    I made a sample project, where I made 2 transitions, duplicate the one of them, and use the replacement method, then apply that to your project.

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