SQL could not be executed
Hello community.
I have a question regarding this error:
Search Error: SQL could not be executed. sql: SELECT DISTINCT binmob.id, mob.smpteid, mob.type, bin.name FROM columndata, mob, binmob, bin WHERE bin.type=0 AND columndata.value LIKE ‘%’ ||:binText || ‘%’ AND columndata.binmobbid=bin.id AND (binhostid IS NUL OR binhostid=1) AND binmob.userplaced!=0
We’re working on a Nexis Storage workflow (MC Ultimate) and at the moment of searching for audio & sound files in the MC’s FINDER (ctrl + F), it appears to be an issue (Search Error: SQL could not be executed).
I was thinking deleting some Search_DB files may be the solution, but as I working in a multiuser setting, this have implications for the other users? Or any idea about this error?
I hope you can comment about this or if you have any ideas for the solution will be greatly appreciated.
Best regards!