Some of my Nattress film filters act wonky when rendered
SD 10-bit footage, shot in wide mode on a DVC Pro 610 in DVC 25 anamorphic mode to get a wide screen look. I’m trying to apply some of the Nattress Filmlook filters using the G film presets explorer. All seem to work fine on a parked still, then I render the clip and on playback, the entire frame turns a harsh green and it’s x-y position seems shifted over to the right as if displaced by a DVE move, or at least masked by a big black square on the screen left side. Any ideas? You guys have been batting .300 lately, and I could use the help. Workflow has been: import using AJA IO with 10-bit SD anamorphic preset for import, then render footage on timeline to see it in correct letterbox/ wide version, then start applying Nattress filters to that. Will listen to alternate suggestions for flow.