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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Shadows on Elements

  • Shadows on Elements

    Posted by Jim Miller on October 2, 2024 at 6:29 am

    I must have the read the instructions wrong, because I always assumed that the “cast shadows” option meant that a light added to a scene would cause a shadow of any 3D object in the scene to be thrown onto any nearby 3D object, But although it does create shadows on the object itself, it doesn’t seem to cast a shadow of that object onto anything else in the scene, (excluding background images of course).

    So, am I missing something, or is this a limitation of Element 3D?

    Jim Miller replied 6 days, 12 hours ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Graham Quince

    October 2, 2024 at 8:12 am

    Shadows in Element3D can be tricky. Sometimes switching the shadow to ray tracer gets a better result. Can you post a screenshot of your comp showing the 3D objects and the light set up – it might shed some light (pun intended) on the issue.

    Element3D uses renders like games do, so it will fake some things rather than being a true 3D renderer. That’s what makes it quick, but sometimes hard to adapt.

    I’ve just realised I’ve written all this based on your use of the word “elements” – if you were meaning AE new 3D object system, apologies though a screenshot would still help.

  • Jim Miller

    October 7, 2024 at 11:35 pm

    I’ve changed the layout of the scene , and now I don’t need to show shadows.

    Still, I do want to know how it’s done, for future reference, so I’ll I’ll have to get back to you.


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