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Activity Forums Adobe Premiere Pro Searching within a large Premiere project?

  • Searching within a large Premiere project?

    Posted by Ian Anderson on September 23, 2024 at 6:47 pm

    Hello! I have a massive project built for a music documentary where there are many sequences with entire concerts, and many songs within those sequences. I have every song labeled with a title but now I need to make the entire project searchable. My first thought was to create a marker for every song and search the markers but it seems to only search one sequence at a time (?) I then thought I could search using metadata but I can only seem to be able to label the larger clip once and not multiple times throughout the timeline as the songs begin. I hope this makes sense! Any help would be massively appreciated.

    Ian Anderson replied 2 weeks, 6 days ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Mads Nybo jørgensen

    September 23, 2024 at 7:07 pm

    Hey Ian,

    Sounds like it is going to be painful, no matter what you do, sorry.

    Have you investigated using the Adobe Meta-data function?

    If in a rush, there are also PPro specific storage solutions that will use A.I. to analyse your footage.

    SNS share-browser as an example should run inside Premiere Pro, except you will need their storage to use it:

    I am involved with NOVA, but that is an external platform with no PPro integration:
    My affiliate link should give you a test run + access to the team:

    In short, there is no easy solution.

    Having said that, it just might do it, if you run Adobe transcription on all of your rushes.
    Maybe then search on the song text – haven’t tried it myslef, but you don’t know what you know, until you have done it.
    (Assuming that all your tracks are English language!?)

    Hope that this helps?


  • Ian Anderson

    September 24, 2024 at 12:45 am

    Thanks so much for your response Mads!

    You’ve confirmed my feeling on this, it’s not going to be easy. I keep reading about and playing with the Metadata but it seems to be a feature where you can only label an entire clip with several descriptions but not several descriptions within a clip, based on timecode. Probably thinking about this all wrong but thanks again!

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