Returning to Premiere Pro, but have questions
Hello all,
I know you might not see me around here often, but I am have been an Avid User for most of my recent productions. Though I am on Xpress Pro HD right now, I still have 2 copies of Premiere Pro 1.0, and still use them for little projects. I was thinking of getting back into using Premiere Pro, but had a few questions reguarding hardware and software:
1. Were I to get a hardware card for Premiere Pro, would Decklink’s HD solution or a Matrox RT.x100 be better? I mainly use DV, but would love to have faster render times and more realtime effects while editing. I also own and am learning Adobe After Effects Pro6.5, Photoshop 6, Encore DVD, and Audition and was wondering if either the decklink or matrox would be better for working with these programs? I have seen support for them on Decklink’s site, but haven’t found reviews of the products in this aspect.
2. Is it worth it right now to upgrade to Premiere Pro 1.5, or should PPro 2.0 be out in a few months. I was surprised that Adobe didn’t announce the new DV collection around NAB time, and so don’t know how far out PPro 2.0 will be. I haven’t used PPro in a while, but I remember that 1.0 was EXTREMELY prone to crashing and not saving work. That was one of the reasons I switched to Avid. I have since heard that 1.5.1 was much better and worth another look. Is it that much better, stability wise?
Thank you for your help, it is greatly appreciated! 🙂
P.S. If you need to know my system specifications, I have updated them in my profile. Thanks again 🙂