I’ve spoken to clients very happy with these, I’ve also replaced a few.
Performance-wise, depending on what drives you put in, you’ll get what you need. Thunderbolt connectivity is cool, but a bit of a ‘non-intended’ use for the protocol. Nice part, you don’t need 10G adapters. Be aware, if you’re workstations are more than a few feet from the server, you’ll need specialty fiber optic thunderbolt cables, which are oddly expensive.
If you get these, hire Bob Z to set it up. It’s that simple.
Downside is scalability (this is almost always why customers have switched to our solution from a QNAP), this is scaling both # of users and # of TBs. If you don’t plan on going past 4 users and maybe 200ish TB, that shouldn’t matter.
Video focused features/support is the other big thing to be aware of. Professional video teams are a side market for QNAP. They have a couple of support guys in the US and are good for IT type support/making sure their unit is working as they have designed it, which absolutely can be used for video editing, but is not designed for it. Don’t expect anyone from QNAP to help if frames are dropping in Pr, or know why media isn’t re-connecting how it should.
We (ProMAX) have a very slightly more expensive option, MediaHub. With 4 SSD slots & 12 HDD slots, it runs $4500. We only connect users over 1G or 10G, not over thunderbolt, so if that is required it won’t work; but it is a video design product with things like MAM & Proxy indexing built in. If you want to try one out we do offer a Test Drive program to try it out at no risk.
Either way, you likely won’t go wrong. Good luck!
Nathaniel @ ProMAX