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Activity Forums Adobe Premiere Pro Premiere + AE + Color Finesse: how to reconform?

  • Premiere + AE + Color Finesse: how to reconform?

    Posted by Paulo Jan on August 17, 2011 at 11:00 am


    I’ve just finished as small project where I used Premiere Pro CS5 for the edit, and then AE + Color Finesse for the color grading. Going from Premiere to AE was easy: there are several ways to do it (copy + paste clips, open the project…). The problem, however, was trying to get the graded clips back to Premiere. Just copying and pasting didn’t work, nor did trying to open the AE project from Premiere, because of course, Color Finesse shows up as an “offline filter” in the latter.

    Thankfully, my project was small and we didn’t really need to make any editing changes after the grading, but this lead me to think: and what if we had needed it? In the FCP + Color workflow, this is relatively easy, but it seems that in Premiere + AE + Color Finesse, you do either:

    -Render by hand every clip out of AE (with handles!), and then reimport and reassemble them in Premiere.
    -Turn every clip in Premiere into a linked AE comp by hand (and what about handles? Can you still move the in/out points after that?)

    Basically, lots of manual work. Is there a better solution out there?

    Thanks in advance.

    Tom Daigon replied 13 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Deleted User

    August 17, 2011 at 2:29 pm

    After you got the edit locked in PPro, I would have used the dynamic link function to send the project to AE. After you did the color grading, PPro should dynamically reflect what you did.


    SAMDOG Digital Post
    Calgary, Alberta
    Mac Pro 2.66 12-core 16gb ram • FSI LM1760W Monitor • Matrox MX02 • Caldigit HD One 8tb Raid • Euphonix MC Transport • Final Cut Studio 3 • Premiere Pro CS5

    • Living my life one frame at a time •

  • Paulo Jan

    August 17, 2011 at 2:52 pm

    Well, sure, but what if you need to make changes to the edit after the grading? (“Locking an edit”, as we all know, isn’t always possible with clients; there often are last-minute changes, some of them even justified). If you send the sequence to AE using Dynamic Link, it gets turned into one big clip in Premiere, making it impossible to trim, replace clips, etc.

  • Tom Daigon

    August 17, 2011 at 7:24 pm

    As soon as the client says its LOCKED, Murphys Law goes into effect. I would just send each clip to AE (dynamic linked) and grade each clip with Color Finess. That way the PrP timeline still can be reedited. Another choice is to buy Colorista 2 and just do all the grading in PrP and keep things even simpler.

    Tom Daigon
    Avid DS / PrP / After Effects Editor
    Mac Pro 3,1
    8 core
    Nvidia Quadro 4000
    24 gigs ram
    Maxx Digita / Areca 8tb. raid

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