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Activity Forums Maxon Cinema 4D Need to animate the negative frames on the timeline. Please help

  • Need to animate the negative frames on the timeline. Please help

    Posted by Marius Ruzgas on April 23, 2023 at 4:07 pm

    I need to animate the negative frames on the timeline but can’t render negative frames. The problem is that I need to add animation before the frame that the animation starts (frame 0) and dragging the Summary timeline dosen’t move the picture at Frame 0 that I needed to have in the ending. The animation is made in the material editor, displacement and Noise. There I have the animation speed on and is probably why I can’t drag the timeline because it dosen’t have any keyframes. Can someone please help me! Been searching for a solution to this problem for the hole day.

    Boston Cainfra replied 1 year, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Boston Cainfra

    April 27, 2023 at 11:24 pm

    Hello Marius

    I did cook up some steps to achieving that for you

    1. Open the Timeline window in Cinema 4D.

    2. Set the Timeline Start to a negative value equal to the number of pre-roll frames you want to add.

    3. Move the playhead to the first frame of the added negative frames.

    4. Create your animation in the Material Editor using Displacement and Noise.

    5. Add keyframes to your animation parameters.

    6. Move the playhead to the first frame of your actual animation.

    7. Add keyframes to other parameters you want to animate.

    8. Set the Render Settings to start rendering from frame 0 (or desired starting frame) and ensure Timeline Start is set to 0.

    9. Finally render your animation

    Just feel free to ask if you need further clarification from me


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