KONA LH – monitoring HD+SD simultaneously?
I’m planning to set up a HD editing workstation using the KONA LH and FCP 5 on a G5 2.5 dual. I’d like to have a 2×20″ desktop-monitor editing setup. Additionaly I want to use a 23″ Apple display to monitor the HD content in full resolution. To achieve this I’m planning to use the Blackmagic HDLink converter to convert the HD-SDI output to DVI. At the same time I’d like to see the downconverted Material on my SD broadcast monitor that will be connected to the component Outputs of the KONA LH.
So here’s my question: Using the KONA LH, is it possible to monitor HD content in full resolution via HD-SDI and simultaneously monitor the downconverted SD signal on my PAL broadcast monitor?Thanks in advance,
Christian Hoffmann