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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Jaggy 1080p footage – a real stumper

  • Jaggy 1080p footage – a real stumper

    Posted by Navarro Parker on May 30, 2008 at 10:30 pm

    Shot some 1080/30p on an EX1. Converted to ProRes 422 HQ. Two clips look great in Quicktime Player. Both have identical res – 1920×1080, square pixel.

    But when I load them into After Effects CS3, I get two completely different looking clips.

    Any ideas how to fix this? Tried re-exporting from Final Cut. Tried AE 7. Same results. Have all the latest updates. (Haven’t upgraded to 10.5.3 that came out yesterday)

    Here’s the good clip (200% zoom)

    And here’s the chunky dogfood the other clip looks like:

    Kevin Camp replied 16 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Kevin Camp

    May 30, 2008 at 10:50 pm

    it’s interesting that two clips from the same source, exported the same way with the same codec are being handled differently by ae…

    check how ae is interpreting the footage (select the footage in the project window, then choose file>interpret footage>main). make sure those settings jive with what the footage actually is. i’ve found ae like to interpret 1080p as interlaced, and i often have to override the separate fields option.

    however your jaggies do look more like a p.a.r. correction in the preview window, rather than a field doubling jaggy look.

    are you finding inconsistencies in other footage that you shot and handled in the same way?

    Kevin Camp
    Senior Designer

  • Joey Foreman

    May 30, 2008 at 10:53 pm

    Is Pixel Aspect Correction switched on? This may just be After Effects’ somewhat crude display implementation. If P.A.C. is on, switch it off and look at the squeezed result. Is it still jaggy? Have you tried rendering out a small section?
    With HD (& HDV)it seems that AE and Quicktime are still not really speaking the same language.
    I’m just glad that AE can directly import .mxf files now. I was having no end of problems getting correctly interpreted DVCPro footage.

    Joey Foreman
    Nowhere Productions, Athens, GA

  • Navarro Parker

    May 30, 2008 at 11:03 pm

    Yeah, I checked that. PAR is off. Footage is correctly interpreted as 1920×1080, square pixel. =/

  • Kevin Camp

    May 31, 2008 at 1:21 am

    try a different codec out of fcp. photojpeg at a high quality setting, lossless animation, digital anarchy’s free none16 codec(same as apples ‘none’, but in 16-bit).

    or try re-exporting the bad clip from fcp, since it seems one was good, one was bad… you have a 50-50 chance the next time it will be good…

    Kevin Camp
    Senior Designer

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