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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects (iMac 20217) Geniuses, Life Savers and Tech Pros! PLEASE HELP

  • (iMac 20217) Geniuses, Life Savers and Tech Pros! PLEASE HELP

    Posted by Nouman Ali on August 14, 2024 at 9:10 am

    Hello Geniuses, Life Savers and Tech Pros! PLEASE HELP and DIRECT me!

    I have iMac 2017 with 5K retina display i7 (27″) 2TB SSD 32GB Ram 8GB Graphic Card.

    Unfortunately, I live in a country where there is no official APPLE STORE or repairing house exist. Apple doesn’t know how much I love Apple products but I don’t have Apple Store here 🙁

    Last time I took my iMac to an apple dealer shop and they have little bit knowledge so they offered me to replace your HHD to SSD it will be fixed but it didn’t work. I have reinstalled OSX and all the softwares reinstalled.


    Actually, when I use Premiere Pro, After Effects or any other software even Google Chrome and watch any youtube content the iMac start chocking, freezing and almost hanged and it responds too slow if I click anything it responds after 3 to 5 seconds. I have done everything what I could do but it’s still the same.

    PLEASE guide and direct me.

    1: Is it something about CPU and GPU Thermal Paste?

    2: Is it about Heatsink Fan?

    The Fan is working perfectly, I have air conditioner room so the room temperature is perfect. Attached UPS with iMac so the power maintenance is good.

    I’ll appreciate your help and looking forward to it.

    Best Regards,

    Nouman, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Jeff Cowell replied 1 month, 2 weeks ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Ivan Eldredge

    August 14, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    Dear Nouman,

    The issue you’re describing seems likely related to ventilation or cooling. Since you’ve mentioned that the fan is working, the probable culprit could be the thermal paste. If you’re familiar with hardware installations and feel confident, you might be able to replace the thermal paste yourself. There are many guides and videos available that can help you with this task.

    Another thing to consider is the accumulation of dust and debris in your system, as this can also slow down your computer.

    Lastly, it’s worth mentioning some best practices to avoid this issue in the future: try to use only one memory-intensive application, such as Premiere Pro or After Effects, at a time. Additionally, avoid using Google Chrome while editing video, and if you must use it, keep the number of tabs to a minimum.

    Best regards,


  • Nouman Ali

    August 14, 2024 at 4:02 pm

    Thank you so much for your response dear Ivan!

    90% I have a doubt that it’s thermal paste but I wasn’t enough confident so I decided to ask tech pro people like you!

    Yes, I tried to work on one application at a time sometimes I use two simultaneously when I have to use dynamic link between AE and PR.

    I’ll go for thermal paste because they it gets slow down I am sure it is MR. thermal paste. Your words helped me to boost my confidence! Thank you Ivan once again!🙂🙏

  • Charles Capo

    August 27, 2024 at 2:01 pm

    Have you tried a NVRAM reset?

    • Shut down your Mac.
    • Press the power button to turn on your Mac.
    • Immediately press and hold Option, Command, P, and R.
    • Hold these keys down until you hear the startup sound twice.
  • Jeff Cowell

    August 28, 2024 at 10:00 pm

    Ivan’s suggestions on thermal paste and dust buildup are on point. Before replacing the thermal paste, try closing other resource-hungry programs, resetting System Preferences to default, and Charles’ NVRAM reset suggestion.

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