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If you’re thinking about premiere pro CC – it might be a really good idea to wait.
Posted by Aindreas Gallagher on June 18, 2013 at 4:26 pm
they’re looking into it – obvious to say but nobody should sign up to CC under the current terms, if better terms are to emerge – also, if nobody signs up to the current terms, the odds of there being better terms in the near future improves dramatically. promo producer/editor.grading/motion graphics
Todd Kopriva replied 11 years, 6 months ago 10 Members · 29 Replies -
29 Replies
Craig Seeman
June 18, 2013 at 5:43 pmI’ve thought another viable option would be that one could buy the app or suite along with a one year subscription at a reduced rate. Then if one didn’t want to renew one would be left with the app(s) as they were at that point. If at some point they wanted to jump back on as a cloud subscriber they’d have to pay for the updates missed so Adobe would get the “back” money. Of course this, like any other system, has some issues.
Aindreas Gallagher
June 18, 2013 at 6:54 pm[Craig Seeman] “I’ve thought another viable option would be that one could buy the app or suite along with a one year subscription at a reduced rate. Then if one didn’t want to renew one would be left with the app(s) as they were at that point.”
I kind of doubt adobe would go anywhere near that – they have to feel that their subscription model is broadly intact. the main thing they need to do is address the perceived long term loss of control over access to your work. three to five year pitstop where you hit some kind of understood basecamp seems a pretty good option.
any number less than 3-5 and I think adobe would start seriously shaking their heads. they need to feel that they have a valid long term subscription strategy under their feet.
#adobe2014 promo producer/editor.grading/motion graphics
David Lawrence
June 18, 2013 at 7:46 pm[Aindreas Gallagher] “they’re looking into it – obvious to say but nobody should sign up to CC under the current terms, if better terms are to emerge – also, if nobody signs up to the current terms, the odds of there being better terms in the near future improves dramatically.”
Yep, the fact that they’re testing the water with photographers says they can read the handwriting on the wall.
The $29/month for 3-year contract sounds perfect with one change — at the end of the three-year term I need to keep a current version of the software. CS6 doesn’t cut it because:
1) I already own CS6
2) CS6 can’t open Premiere Pro projects.Let us keep a working copy of the current software after 3-years and I’ll sign up today.
David Lawrence
art~media~design~research -
Walter Soyka
June 18, 2013 at 8:12 pm[David Lawrence] “Let us keep a working copy of the current software after 3-years and I’ll sign up today.”
I’m curious about the “it’s not about the money, but it’s about the money” on the Adobe side in terms of subscriptions and lifetime customer value.
What what you say is the most you’d be willing to pay for a perpetual license buyout of Premiere Pro?
Walter Soyka
Principal & Designer at Keen Live
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Aindreas Gallagher
June 18, 2013 at 9:14 pm[Walter Soyka] “What what you say is the most you’d be willing to pay for a perpetual license buyout of Premiere Pro?”
that’s not the right argument walter. It’s not about re-introducing purchasing. realistically, for adobe, it can’t be. a lot of that suite is near feature complete, and on version 10-14.
The point is that Adobe need to introduce mechanisms into the subscription that allow for mental breathers along the way of what would be a very long term subscription commitment.
on a basic psychological level – they have to find a mechanism that means the work files aren’t completely irrevocably tied to subscription software, disappearing over the time horizon into an unseen future.
maybe the subscription numbers play out for them, and they don’t have to answer this, but I suspect the numbers might not.
Adobe have to find a way to adjust their basic customer stance here.this isn’t going to work for them or us over the medium term. they are already taking massive profit hits over a three year horizon by shrinking the pool as they are.
and that was under an optimal subscription rate scenario.
even under optimal they don’t hit 2012 profit levels until getting on for 2016. this whole thing was damn risky to begin with.
#adobe2014 promo producer/editor.grading/motion graphics
Walter Soyka
June 18, 2013 at 9:59 pm[Aindreas Gallagher] “that’s not the right argument walter. It’s not about re-introducing purchasing.”
Fair, but I’m not really asking about re-introducing purchasing. I’m trying to get a handle on what people think the real value of the product is.
[Aindreas Gallagher] “The point is that Adobe need to introduce mechanisms into the subscription that allow for mental breathers along the way of what would be a very long term subscription commitment. on a basic psychological level – they have to find a mechanism that means the work files aren’t completely irrevocably tied to subscription software, disappearing over the time horizon into an unseen future.”
I don’t really follow. I know David reasonably views long-term project file control as a digital rights issue. Are you arguing for some kind of a placebo?
[Aindreas Gallagher] “lot of that suite is near feature complete, and on version 10-14. “
I will not argue that everything that can be invented already has. I think every one of the Adobe apps still has plenty of room for growth.
Walter Soyka
Principal & Designer at Keen Live
Motion Graphics, Widescreen Events, Presentation Design, and Consulting
RenderBreak Blog – What I’m thinking when my workstation’s thinking
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Aindreas Gallagher
June 18, 2013 at 10:25 pm[Walter Soyka] “Fair, but I’m not really asking about re-introducing purchasing.”
no… you were asking for a purchase buyout price specific to PPro – that just didn’t really make any sense.
[Walter Soyka] ” Are you arguing for some kind of a placebo?”
unusual choice of words – people are arguing for a loyalty scheme of some description that allows the long term subscriber to see realistic points in time where they gain some measure of control over the files created to that point before continuing on – as is clearly laid out above at the link, as has been discussed at length, in detail, by tim dowse.
it would broadly involve adobe providing some kind of working archive of the software at relatively lengthy intervals to continuous subscribers.
In the survey, adobe are looking for that archive to be CS6 with guarantees of file interoperability with CC three years hence. Tim Dowse argues for a fully current archive of CC software five years from activating subscription. The point is that you might be quite dis-inclined to step out at that point given the build of assets, and interplay with the other cloud offerings. the critical point is that you can work and pay to towards that scenario, and feel a mental release of breath after arriving at it.of the two I favour Tim Dowse’s scenario. It’s a little more long term, but it feels basically solid – you are three thousand dollars in – you and adobe are well in bed by then.
But, to get back to it – its not a placebo walter, its a psychological safeguard placed in front of the subscriber at the outset of an open ended journey.
It feels like an excellent idea.
#adobe2014 promo producer/editor.grading/motion graphics
Walter Soyka
June 18, 2013 at 11:02 pm[Aindreas Gallagher] “no… you were asking for a purchase buyout price specific to PPro – that just didn’t really make any sense.”
David wants to be able to pay for three years, then keep what he’s got so far. Adobe wants him to pay indefinitely. I’m curious to know what they respectively are willing to pay and be paid, that’s all.
[Aindreas Gallagher] “But, to get back to it – its not a placebo walter, its a psychological safeguard placed in front of the subscriber at the outset of an open ended journey. It feels like an excellent idea.”
Is it purely psychological for you? What’s the practical angle?
Really, I don’t have a horse in this whole licensing race. I’m interested in understanding the other viewpoints here, and I certainly can’t seem to stop myself from expressing mine, but I don’t really want to argue about it. No one’s right, anyway.
I don’t particularly care how I pay for this stuff. I think no matter what, Adobe needs to make whatever money they need to make, so they will charge what they need to charge to make that, and it will end up costing me about about the same amount of money, no matter what the specifics of the model may be.
I just want to see Adobe focusing on collaboration, and I think Creative Cloud is a fantastic foundation for that. I know it’s anathema for some, but I love the potential with products and services working together. I am genuinely excited about possibilities of moving beyond isolated desktop applications. I hope all find what we are looking for.
Walter Soyka
Principal & Designer at Keen Live
Motion Graphics, Widescreen Events, Presentation Design, and Consulting
RenderBreak Blog – What I’m thinking when my workstation’s thinking
Creative Cow Forum Host: Live & Stage Events -
David Lawrence
June 18, 2013 at 11:23 pm[Walter Soyka] “David wants to be able to pay for three years, then keep what he’s got so far. Adobe wants him to pay indefinitely. I’m curious to know what they respectively are willing to pay and be paid, that’s all.”
Walter, I’m happy to answer.
$30/month x 12 months x 3 years = 360/year = $1080 total
I would gladly pay this for the Production Suite Applications
$50/month x 12 months x 3 years = 600/year = $1800 total
I would gladly pay this for the Master Collection Applications
Note how these prices are essentially identical to what my yearly perpetual upgrade costs would have been as a current CS6 owner.
I think these prices would be completely fair for both Adobe and for me. I’d get the practical benefit of a working archive copy of the software, Adobe gets my commitment to buy over a predictable, extended timeframe.
If Adobe truly innovates and creates cloud-based features I’d actually use, I’d probably continue my subscription longer than three years. But the three year exit is important because it restores the balance of supply and demand that gets skewed in a DRM lock-in situation.
In any event, it’s trivial to implement. They could do it tomorrow. It would be a win-win and end the controversy instantly.
A copy of CS6 won’t fly. It doesn’t open Premiere Pro CC projects.
David Lawrence
art~media~design~research -
Aindreas Gallagher
June 18, 2013 at 11:47 pm[Walter Soyka] “Is it purely psychological for you? What’s the practical angle?”
the practical angle is I’m not willing to go completely open ended, no pit stop, subscription for the personal works I generate.
there is absolutely no way I’m going to do that.[Walter Soyka] “I just want to see Adobe focusing on collaboration, and I think Creative Cloud is a fantastic foundation for that. I know it’s anathema for some, but I love the potential with products and services working together”
but walter – what does that really mean anyway? that is close to magical thinking?
file sync is still offline after launch, they haven’t got it back up yet, it never included video files, their entire installer fell over for mass numbers of customers today, they were re-posting customer tips on how to get it to work on the adobe forums – its a mess.what do you actually see happening with this amazing service enmeshing? what is going on there? the kuler wheel? promo producer/editor.grading/motion graphics
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