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Activity Forums DaVinci Resolve Happy to report my mac DaVinci Resolve is up and running!!!!

  • Jay Lee

    September 6, 2010 at 9:56 pm

    Guys is it possible to run 2 x Apple displays with this configuration?



  • Ronald Anderson

    September 7, 2010 at 12:36 am

    Hello Robbie,

    Heard you had the beta software too.
    As I have worked with Avid projects in the past, it’s always been a challenge to say the least, to get things ready for Apple Color. Very interested in your results using the scene detector, cutting up an HD Quicktime. Did you have to use any offsets for frame accurate results, or just play around with the sensitivities? Thanks for your response.

  • Darin Wooldridge

    September 7, 2010 at 1:36 am

    I’m not Robbie, but i have used it many times.

    No offset, just let run. Add to scene detector (right click) from browse_hit start detection let it run. It does its pass of detection at full sensitivity and allows you to pick level of sensitivity at any time during the process. (move the green bar toward the bottom of the notch widow to add more sensitivity. See the cuts grow on the right side of the page with time code locations) White line = a cut. Start checking your notch as it is running. Us the N and P key (next and previous) taking you shot to shot.. If you see 3 alike frames above hit – to remove the cut. After the process is done hit split. This splits all of your media in the media pool. To the conform page_create default time line. Start time code at the location of choice. (1hour, reel 1 etc..)

    Darin Wooldridge
    colorist / technical strategist

  • Robbie Carman

    September 7, 2010 at 8:12 pm

    [Jay Lee] “Guys is it possible to run 2 x Apple displays with this configuration?”

    yeah you’ll just need one of the mini display port to DVI adapters for the second display as the GT120 has one mini display port and one DVI connection

    Robbie Carman
    Colorist and Author
    Check out my new Books:
    Video Made on a Mac
    Apple Pro Training Series DVDSP
    From Still To Motion


  • Jay Lee

    September 9, 2010 at 2:33 pm

    Thank you Robbie.


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