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Activity Forums Maxon Cinema 4D Hair Simulation Issue!

  • Hair Simulation Issue!

    Posted by Miren Patel on April 10, 2020 at 4:20 am


    I’ve dabbled with C4D in increments over the last 15 years, but very scarcely so I’m basically a noob! But I thought I would take this challenge on by myself to try and learn a little more:

    I have a shot in a film I made where I want to add a big cable coming out from a characters back.

    So I made a spline, attached it to a null, added colliders. everything is looking good so far. I then added a part of the cable that I wanted, used the cloner on it and connected it to the spline. Now the problem is the weird kind of glitchyness on the rotation of the segments of this spline toward the end of the animation when the spline doesn’t move as much. I added a ton of points on the spline so it can’t possible be anything to do with that, I added even more to see the problem was still there.

    Is there some knowledge someone can dish on me?

    Here are some links to a screen recording to see the issue, I’ve also added a screenshot of my layers, you can see the issue where the collider is on the chair that’s where the main issue is, now worried as much about the floor cuz that will be cropped.

    Visit for tutorials and freebies! 🙂

    Miren Patel replied 4 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Miren Patel

    April 10, 2020 at 9:23 pm

    Hi all, no worries,

    I managed to amend the issue.

    First off I added more rotation segments to the cylinder that I was using as a collider

    Secondly I altered the “rest hold” property of the spline dynamics of the hair tag. By just changing this from 0% to 2% I managed to eliminate the issue, almost entirely! ☺


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