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  • Yoan Boisjoli

    December 11, 2024 at 3:59 pm

    Hi Doma! This is the kind of thing that would be easy to do using the script Pins & Boxes (link here: )

    If you don’t want to buy a script, then a solution that could work would be to add this expression in the source text:

    inputText = "Your full text here"; 
    speed = 10; // Characters per second
    visibleChars = Math.floor(time * speed);
    inputText.substr(0, visibleChars);

    And add a Null Object to follow the top-right corner of the text dynamically using SourceRectAtTime. Then, you can parent the colored box to the null. For example:

    textRect = thisComp.layer("Text Layer").sourceRectAtTime();
    textPos = thisComp.layer("Text Layer").transform.position;
    [textPos[0] + textRect.width, textPos[1] - textRect.height];

    This way, the null adjusts automatically as the text grows, and the colored box follows it smoothly. It keeps things simple and flexible.

    I took the liberty of creating it to test it out and here’s the aep file for you.

    Hope this helps!

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