Free Food! — ‘Cow Appreciation Day’ July 15th — get ready to party!!! ;o)
Hi All,
For those of you Cow members who live in the USA, tomorrow is Cow Appreciation Day to you all. (Yes, it’s a real day and you can learn more about it at Google.)
One of the food chains here in the USA, Chick-Fil-A, is giving away free food to anyone who wears either a Cow accessory or a full cow costume. The accessory gets you a free entree and the full costume gets you a free meal.
Here’s where you can find out more: https://www.chickfila.com/documents/Cow Appreciation Customer FAQs.pdf
My hat would qualify me for the free entree of my choice, just as those of you who own Creative Cow t-shirts will also qualify. So dig out your t-shirt and get down to Chick-Fil-A and remember…
“Eat More Chicken” — Ole Bessie would approve. ;o)
I think we should give something away cool to the person who comes up with the best Cow Appreciation Day post about what they like best about the Cow or what it’s done for them — whatcha think, Kathlyn and Ron???
Yer pal,
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