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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Far Vanish and Near Vanish AE Layers

  • Far Vanish and Near Vanish AE Layers

    Posted by Stephen Moore on August 13, 2019 at 8:37 am

    Hi All,

    I have a camera moving along the Z axis through a series of AE layers and I’d dearly love to be able to Far Vanish/Far Start Fade and Near Start Fade/Near Vanish those layers like in the Visibility tab in Trapcode Form.

    I’ve Googled around and found on (this essentially shows my scene)…

    …this code…

    start = comp(“Fade”).layer(“Control”).effect(“FadeStart”)(“Slider”);

    end = comp(“Fade”).layer(“Control”).effect(“FadeEnd”)(“Slider”);

    CameraPos = thisComp.activeCamera.toWorld([0,0,0]);

    LayerPos = toWorld(anchorPoint);

    Difference = length(CameraPos, LayerPos);

    linear(Difference, start, end,0,100);

    …which works for the Near Fade and this code…

    startFade = 500; // Start fade 500 pixels from camera.
    endFade = 1500; // End fade 1500 pixels from camera.
    try{ // Check whether there’s a camera.
    C = thisComp.activeCamera.toWorld([0,0,0]);
    }catch(err){ // No camera, so assume 50mm.
    w = thisComp.width * thisComp.pixelAspect;
    z = (w/2)/Math.tan(degreesToRadians(19.799));
    C = [0,0,-z];
    P = toWorld(anchorPoint);
    d = length(C,P);

    …which works for the Far Fade.

    Does anyone know how to combine the two? That would be brilliant!

    Many thanks in advance…


    Daniel Poffley replied 1 year, 5 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Cassius Marques

    August 13, 2019 at 2:25 pm

    Sure:startFadeNear = 300;
    endFadeNear = 600;
    startFadeFar = 800;
    endFadeFar = 1500;

    C = thisComp.activeCamera.toWorld([0,0,0]);
    P = toWorld(anchorPoint);
    e = length(C,P);

    if (e<600)


    Cassius Marques

  • Daniel Poffley

    May 25, 2023 at 7:54 pm

    Hello. I am struggling to get this code to work.

    The far-fade is working perfectly, but the near-fade doesn’t seem to do anything. Does this code require any updating?

    Thank you in advance.

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