Editing Help!!!
Hey, I’m about to start filming my first movie in October, I’m gonna edit using my new computer, It’s a 3.4ghz, 1024 ram, 250gb hard drive..etc. I started making little short movies and editing them in together and adding music…just to get the hang of editing. The program I’m using is Adobe Elements. I guess I should have bought Adobe Premiere Pro..cause when I add media, After I add so much it bogs the computer down big time. Is this my computer, or the editing software or what? I’ve been adding the short movies that I made with my camera from my hard drive to the eding software. When I edit my feature, I’ll be taking the video straight from the camera through the firewire port. Any advice? I copied a full feature dvd onto my hard drive and added it to the timeline in Adobe Elements and It didn’t bog down at all. Should I delete everything on my computer to make it a scrictly editing machine..or what? Thanks.