Closed-captioning after NTSC, how are you guys doing it?
I’d like to be able to close-caption my spots while they are still within final cut pro. REAL line-21 closed-captioning, not some ersatz thing. (Will they even HAVE a “line 21” after NTSC?)
Right now we use a very ungainly external hardware system that’s cantankerous and SD-only; heck, it’s analog-only, turns all my fine digital footage into beta SP dubs, just to get a line-21 caption inserted. Pfui!
I’m looking for a better way to do it from within FCP and a method that will work in HD as well as SD and be ready to lay to a DVCPROHD tape, a BluRay Disk, FTP site, or into a satellite transmitter, ready for air, with no additional mucking about.
What are you guys at broadcast facilities and dub houses doing after the switchover?