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Activity Forums VEGAS Pro Audio Envelope (Volume) Has No Effect

  • Audio Envelope (Volume) Has No Effect

    Posted by David Martin on March 1, 2019 at 4:38 am

    Vegas 16, windows 10.
    I have a project with an MP4 file (AVC and AAC) that I previously edited several months ago. When I went back to it and tried to edit the audio, the volume envelope had no effect. It seemed OK, but when I moved it nothing happened to the audio.

    Another odd thing was the color. This is the only audio track in the project. I have my color options to show the first audio envelope in red, but this one is brown.

    If I make a copy and edit the audio with an external program then load it as a replacement into Vegas, it still behaves this way. If I add an additional audio file, this one works perfectly. I have a clumsy workaround, but I wonder if anyone can tell me what might be the cause.

    George Dean replied 5 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • George Dean

    March 1, 2019 at 3:49 pm

    David, I don’t think this is common error. I would start by doing a full reset of Vegas. Hole down the ‘Ctrl+Shift’ keys, then douvle left click on the Vegs desktop shortcut. In the pop-up box check ‘Delete all cached application data’, then left click on ‘Yes’. This will reset Vegas to it’s original installation default settings and delete the pesky cached application data that builds up and will sometimes cause Vegas to do strange things.

    Best Regards……George

  • George Dean

    March 1, 2019 at 3:55 pm

    Hi David,

    Just read your reply to the replacement file thread. I doubt the reset will do any good (but maybe!!).

    What program/tool/app are you using to convert your files? Dud we cover this in the other thread, sorry if this is a repeat question? If I understand you correctly a fresh unaltered mp4 file and the audio envelope works correctly and the color assignment is correct. In the files you have converted is the problem the envelope does not work and the color changes…….do I have all that correct?

    If so, then I think maybe trying a different to tool to convert or convert with different settings may be a cure here.

    Best Regards……George

  • George Dean

    March 1, 2019 at 4:26 pm

    Re-reading your thread, it appears you are also changing the audio with an external program and that could also be causing some hind of strange condition. What is your workflow for the audio changes? Are you splitting off the audio track, rendering and using that is an audio program, rendering and then bringing that back into Vegas? Or, are you exporting the aufio track from within Vegas to another audio program and back so you do not have to render?

    Best Regards……George

  • David Martin

    March 2, 2019 at 3:05 am

    Here’s the history.

    I last edited this project in October 2018. At that point the envelope worked fine. As a matter of fact, there were many splits, deletes, and joins that I needed to keep. I had only edited this within Vegas.

    When I re-opened the project a couple of days ago, the envelope problem emerged. I tried many attempts to fix it, finally deciding to go ahead with the audio edits and face the problem later.

    I bought an audio repair app (iZotope RX7) in January, in part to fix some of the many problems with this project audio. In order to keep the re-renders to a minimum, I demuxed the original source video for this project with an external app. I modified the original track and saved it as a new file. I then re-muxed it with the original video track and saved it as a new file.

    I then moved the original source file so when I opened the project, Vegas it wouldn’t find it, and redirected it to the newly edited file. Everything worked fine, all my edits were still there and the audio reflected the modifications I’d done with RX7. However, the envelope problem had not disappeared.

    I spent a few days trying to find a solution. I then decided that the original audio track was really in such poor condition that another render wouldn’t be detected. I disabled all of the edits I had made in Vegas, (FX, volume adjustments, etc.) except the all-important splits and joins, then rendered the track in Vegas, made my fixes with RX7, then imported it as a new track. Now I didn’t have to worry about remuxing to the original track and the envelope problem didn’t appear on the new track. I muted the original track and continued. That’s where I am today. I’m not going to worry about it unless the problem recurs with another project.

    Whew. Did you follow that, or simply fall asleep halfway though?Follow so far?

    The end result is I am happy with the results, impressed with RX7’s capabilities, and can go forward with this piece-of-crap amateur movie I promised a friend.

    And I can say I’m very impressed with the fast response and helpful tips I received from you and others on this board.
    Over the years it’s sometimes been difficult to find answers to Vegas problems beyond the basics. Thanks much.

  • George Dean

    March 2, 2019 at 4:18 pm

    Hi David,

    Yes I followed all that and Thank You for the detailed workflow explanation. I’m sure you will be happy when this project is completed, I know I would. And, although I haven’t personally used RX7, I have used other iZotope plugins and they are very good. In addition, I doubt I would have follow any other process than you have. Good luck with future projects and hopefully that envelope thing will never haunt you again!!

    Best Regards……George

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