Almost sync sound With Tentacle track E recorder
I’ve been using some Tentacle track E recorders which work very well. The issue I am having is in post where even though I have synced timecode between the track E an a tentacle mounted on camera, in this case a Pocket 6 K pro. When I sync the audio file with the camera file using timecode the Track E recording is 30 ish subframes ahead of the camera audio and always needs to be brought into alignment. I don’t recall this happening when I first started using the track E’s . I do suppose I could sync the audio and camera files with waveform since I usually have at least one decent audio track on camera recording.
Has anyone else had this issue, and what is the solution?
Hypothetically, with a track E on a subject and an on board camera mic feeding sound to the camera there would be some measurable delay between the recorder on the subject and the camera recording if the distance between camera and subject was significant, but that is not what I am dealing with here.