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Activity Forums AJA Video Systems AJA CS6 drivers enable VO

  • AJA CS6 drivers enable VO

    Posted by Jim Watt on June 2, 2012 at 11:14 pm

    Just did a couple of tests with the new driver for VO and it works fine. Settings in audio hardware preferences need to be changed to Kona 3 and I’m inputting VO thru the AES XLR input so that too needs to be changed in the AJA control panel. At least we need to change it since we have “embedded” selected for tape capture. Tape capture? Yes sometimes we do indeed need to capture footage from a library tape.

    Not seeing any audio drop out so far and the broadcast monitors thru the Kona 3 card are responsive and in sync with the computer monitors.


    Producer/DP, HD series, “Discoveries…America”, “Discoveries…Ireland”, “Discoveries…Spain”,
    “Discoveries…Argentina”, Discoveries…India”, “Discoveries…Asia”, “Discoveries…Africa”

    Erik Naso replied 12 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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