AE Amplitude Expression ease timing
Hello cows,
am new to this forum so i try to be specific as possible to save everbodys time:
I have a click sound, that translates into very clear keyframes with values between 10 and 20 at a click and I want to my graphic to be 10px further up everytime a click/keyframe value occurs
I need the animation to be linear but smooth starting and ending just halfway between the clicks so the next animation can start just in time. The clicks are not unison but vary in clicks per minute.
I already tried
ease(value, 11, 20, 0, 10)
smooth(width=0.1, samples=50)
smooth goes into the right direction but I cant change it to be precise where i need the animation to start and end and to be at 10 exact at the click.
Could somebody please point me into the right direction or am i missing something?