Student Heritage Awards Co Chairs Crag Kief Armando Salas ASC Clubhouse

American Society of Cinematographers Announces Student Heritage Award Winners

The American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) announced winners in this year’s Student Heritage Awards on Saturday night (March 5) during a virtual presentation. Three student filmmakers were chosen for demonstrating exceptional cinematography skills in their submitted work.

Seth MacMillan for My Life Stopped at 15

Lawrence Sher, ASC presented the Judy Irola Student Heritage Award (Graduate Category) to Seth MacMillan of the American Film Institute for MY LIFE STOPPEDAT 15.

Zhili “Evan” Feng for Where the Bird Goes

The Isidore Mankofsky Heritage Award (Undergraduate Category) was presented by Tommy Maddox-Upshaw, ASC to Zhili “Evan” Feng of Chapman University for WHERE THE BIRD GOES.

Tristan Owen for The Castle Builder

Shana Hagan, ASC gave the Haskell Wexler Documentary Award to Tristan Owen of Florida State University for THE CASTLE BUILDER.

ASC President Stephen Lighthill, Student Awards Co-Chairs Crag Kief and Armando Salas, and Sony’s Manager of Digital Cinema Camera Sales and Business Development Daniel Perry also took part in this special ceremony. As this year’s student awards sponsor, Sony bestowed gift packages to all the winners.

The ASC Student Heritage Awards are designed to encourage and support the next generation of cinematographers, and also celebrate the memory of an ASC member. Irola was a cinematographer, documentarian and educator (AN AMBUSH OF GHOSTS, NIGER ’66: A PEACE CORPS DIARY). Mankofsky, a longtime chairperson of the ASC Student Awards, earned three Emmy® nominations and shot feature films including THE JAZZ SINGER and SOMEWHERE IN TIME. The Documentary category is enduringly dedicated to Oscar®-winner Wexler, ASC (WHO’S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF?, BOUND FOR GLORY).

The ASC Student Heritage Award program was inaugurated in 1999. Many of the students previously recognized have gone on to have successful careers in filmmaking, including the Student Awards Committee Co-chairs Craig Kief and Armando Salas, alongside other ASC members Nelson Cragg, Masanobu Takayanagi, and Lisa Wiegand.


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