XenData Announces Media Portal for its LTO and Cloud Archive Solutions
XenData, the provider of cutting-edge data storage solutions, announces the availability of Media Portal, software for its LTO and public cloud archive solutions. It provides a web interface that allows users to browse the archived file system, view previews of archived video and image files and then download selected content. It complements the existing ways to connect to a XenData archive that include access via the local network and as object storage with an S3 interface.
The Media Portal for LTO is software which is added to a new or existing XenData on-premises LTO archive. It is available for systems with robotic LTO libraries and external LTO drives. The previews are created when video and image files are written to the system and the resultant preview files are stored on the archive’s managed disk volume. Authorized users can then view the previews via the Media Portal web interface, select the files that they need and download them via the portal.
XenData LTO archives manage an unlimited number of externalized tape cartridges allowing users to create a deep archive of unlimited capacity. In this case, the Media Portal provides previews of all the video and image content stored ‘on the shelf’, together with the cartridge barcode information which tells the user which LTO cartridges should be imported back into the library to be able to access the required content.
The Media Portal for Cloud runs on a physical or virtual Windows machine and includes a gateway to one or multiple public clouds, including AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage and Wasabi object storage. The portal displays previews of all video and image files written via the gateway, including for files that are stored on inaccessible storage tiers such as AWS Glacier and the Azure Archive Tier.
Phil Storey, XenData CEO, commented, “The Media Portal provides an excellent way for a user to know what content they have in their media archive. It is not a Media Asset Management system, but it provides a simple interface that provides the functionality that many of our users want.”
The Media Portal is sold as a software subscription and pricing starts at $980 per annum. It will be available in May 2024.
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